Welcome to OAKMIND-IC-iSET International Conference!
A platform for invigorating and insightful discussions, dissemination of innovative ideas and knowledge sharing!!

Oakmind International Conference on Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology (OAKMIND-IC-iSET)

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Registration Fee

Proceedings Publication
TBA, although planned to be published by IEEE Xplore with ISBN.

Original and innovative research contributions to the fields of science, engineering and technology.

Brief Details
Oakmind International Conference on Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology (OAKMIND-IC-iSET) is a global flagship annual conference on cutting edge and frontier research in advanced areas of science, engineering and technology. It is organized by Oakmind Edutech Private Limited, Salem, India and its partners at times. It provides an opportunity to researchers, scientists and professionals to come together to share research experience at a common forum. Oakmind-IC-iSET aims to provide a platform for invigorating and insightful discussions, dissemination of innovative ideas and knowledge sharing all around the world. Participants of OAKMIND-IC-iSET learn about novel and interesting developments in their respective fields apart from building networks and communities worldwide.

Expected Outcome
The participants will have an opportunity to showcase their research capabilities through presentations and share mutual knowledge to enhance their awareness on latest developmental trends in research and development.

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